Sep 20, 2013

Literally speaking, that is.

Social studies test question:  Explain the process for amending the United States Constitution.

Student response [and if you know this student, it makes perfect sense]:

1st get ink and a fether.  2nd start writing on it.  Finally submit it to the ligislature.

Literally speaking, that is.  (And this from the student who loves National Treasure.)

And an exchange from vocabulary class:

Mrs D:   What does modesty mean?
Student:  Being full of yourself?
Mrs. D:  Actually, no -- it's the opposite.
Student:  Oh, so -- being empty of yourself?

Incidentally, this is the view from the room all these things happen in.  Pleasant, I think.


  1. National Treasure is a gift from God soooooooooo.......

  2. But anyhow. *Keeps scrolling incessantly through T.W.J.&.B
