Oct 9, 2014

world's hardest math problem

My students always look forward to visits from Father Mitch (the priest for my school's parish), who frequents our classroom.  They have taken to giving him math assignments.  They always try to stump him, but thus far, he has bested them.

So...one of my students came up with the World's Hardest Math Problem...literally.

We were sure that he'd be stumped this time, or at least that he'd share the prize with us.  Alas, we were bested yet again.  Within five minutes he had come up with a solution:

His explanation:  Whatever the right answer is, it must be true -- i.e., Truth.  And of course we know that Jesus is the Truth, no arguing with that.  So, the answer to the math problem must be (categorically, he clarified) -- Jesus.

Philosophically speaking, I can't say I disagree.  He did, fortunately, caution my students not to try that on their math assignments.

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