Sep 16, 2013

Brussels sprouts and lunch intrigues

My lunches are an ongoing curiosity to my fifth-graders:  tubs of European-style maple yogurt with bananas and walnuts, homemade apple cake mush, baggies of organic spinach and green peppers.  They cannot figure out why I can't just bring a sandwich in a Ziploc.  ("Mrs. Eckstrom, are you vegetarian?")  Usually the first question of the morning, "What did you bring for lunch today, Mrs. Eckstrom?"

Today at the lunch table I was eating this:

"Mrs. Eckstrom, what is THAT?"

"These are leftover Brussels sprouts from last night with spinach and sunflower seeds and balsamic vinegar and olive oil."

"Oh.  What do they taste like?"

"Well, like green beans, I guess.  But sour -- because of the vinegar.  I don't think you'd like it."

"Ooh!  I like sour things!  Can I try one?"

I wish I had a photo of her face.  She mouthed the Brussels for about twenty seconds while the other students watched with glee.  Then the remains came back out into her napkin.

"EWWWW!  That is grooooss.  That does not taste like green beans."

Needless to say her spectators were delighted.


  1. Scroll down to the previous post for images of others who have tasted Caroline's lunches (jk).

    Where on earth do you get your strange eating habits? ;-)

  2. Funny, Mom. ;) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

  3. Caroline, do the students call you MRS. Eckstrom!?!?
