Jan 26, 2013

on the way to class

Even though Oxford is a city, it has little bits of country mixed into it.  So, even though I live in town, this is what I see every morning when I walk/bike from my house to class:

This meadow has cattle wandering around in it during the summer.  There's a cattle grate on each end of it to keep them from getting out.

And here's the woodsy part that fringes the pasture:

And the friendly horse from the adjoining farm:

And the bridge over the creek on the other side of the pasture:

I wish I had taken these photos, but all credit goes to Austin, a fellow student in the program and a diligent photographer.  My fingers are usually too cold and stiff to stop for picture-taking on days like this.  He kindly said I could share his with you.


  1. I'm grateful for the pictures of your surroundings, regardless of who took the photographs. Thanks for sharing.

    Do you pass over that bridge?
