Aug 22, 2013

Duck Dynasty and consciences

First week of school with my fifth-graders.

Get-to-know-you activities can elicit unique answers.

Mrs. D:  How many siblings do you have?
5th-grader:  Am I supposed to count myself?
Mrs. D:  Are you your own brother?
5th-grader:  No.  [Pause.]  But my conscience is.

On a student's worksheet:

Question:  What do you want to study this year?
5th-grader's answer:  Sppelling

Mrs. D:  What's your favorite movie?
5th-grader:  Breakfast Club.
Mrs. D:  Breakfast Club?  Well, that's a classic.
5th-grader [airily]:  It's only eighties.

Mrs. D:  What's your favorite TV show?
5th-grader [innocent drawl]:  Duck Dah-nisty an' Law 'n' Or-dur.

Mrs. D:  What's your favorite food?
5th-grader [big glasses, serious/deliberate]:  First of all, lasgana, and second of all -- um, I don't know if you guys are going to think this is disgusting -- but, hotdogs dipped in applesauce.

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